Seattle Pacific University Library DICTIONARIES AND ENCYCLOPEDIAS OF PHILOSOPHY (very much in progress) 1 (Dictionaries and encyclopedias of theology can be helpful here, too) 206 281 2417 Steve Perisho, Theology/Humanities/Fine Arts Librarian [This document contains hidden text.] Guides to the reference literature. For example, • Paradis, Auclair, & Sautereau. Guide de la recherche documentaire en philosophie. Presses de l' Université Laval, 2008. • Bynagle. Philosophy: a guide to the reference literature. 3rd ed. 2006. REF B72 .B97 2006. Some overarching encyclopedias. For example, • Internet encyclopedia of philosophy. In process, at • Routledge encyclopedia of philosophy. 10 vols. Ed. Craig. 1998 (continuous revision). Online, at • Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy. In process, at •, Library > Search the Libraries > Reference Books (among other routes). Requires a registration. • Enzyklopädie Philosophie und Wissenschaftstheorie. 2., überarb. u. erw. Aufl. Ed. Blasche, Wolters, Mittelstraß, et al. 8 vols. Metzler, 2009. 1980-1996 edition at University of Washington Suzzallo Reference B51 .E59. • Enciclopedia filosofica. Nuova ed. interamente riveduta e ampliata. Ed. Fondazione Centro studi filosofici di Gallarate. 12 vols. Bompiani, 2006. 1957-1958 edition in Summit. • Encyclopedia of philosophy. 2nd ed. Ed. Borchert. 10 vols. 2005. SPU has the 1st (1967/1996) edition in 9 vols. at REF B41 .E5. Online via the KCLS: &docNum=CX3446899999&q=kcls (requires a KCLS login). • Europäische Enzyklopädie zu Philosophie und Wissenschaften. Ed. Sandkühler. 4 vols. Felix Meiner, 1990. Summit. • Encyclopédie philosophique universelle. Ed. Jacob. 4 vols. in 6. 1989-1998. Summit. • Volume I: L’univers philosophique. Ed. Jacob. 2nd ed. 1991. • Volume II: Les notions philosophiques: dictionnaire. 3rd ed. Ed. Auroux. 2 vols. 2002. • Volume III: Oeuvres philosophiques: dictionnaire. Ed. Mattéi. 2 vols. 1992. • Volume IV: Les textes philosophiques. 2nd ed. Ed. Jacob & Mattéi. 1998. • Handbuch philosopher Grundbegriffe. Ed. Krings, Baumgartner, & Wild. 3 vols. 1973- 1974. University of Washington Suzzallo Reference B43 .K75. • Great ideas: a syntopicon of Great books of the western world. Ed. Adler. 2 vols. 1952. REF AC1.G72 1952. Later called Syntopicon: an index to the great ideas (2 vols., 1990), REF AC1 .S96 1990. Seattle Pacific University Library DICTIONARIES AND ENCYCLOPEDIAS OF PHILOSOPHY (very much in progress) 2 (Dictionaries and encyclopedias of theology can be helpful here, too) 206 281 2417 Steve Perisho, Theology/Humanities/Fine Arts Librarian Some overarching dictionaries. For example, • Penguin dictionary of philosophy. 2nd ed. Ed. Mautner. Penguin, 2005. Summit. • Concise encyclopedia of western philosophy and philosophers. Ed. Urmson & Rée. 3rd ed. Routledge, 2004. SPU has the 1st 1960 edition at B41 .U7 1960. • Dictionnaire de la philosophie. Ed. Godin. Fayard et Éditions du temps, 2004. • Grand dictionnaire de la philosophie. Ed. Blay. Larousse, 2003. • Bunge. Philosophical dictionary. Enlarged ed. Prometheus Books, 2003. REF B791 .B765 2003. • Encyclopédie de la philosophie. Ed. Montenot. Librairie générale française, 2002. • Les notions philosophiques: dictionnaire. 3rd ed. Ed. Auroux. 2 vols. Presses Universitaires de France, 2002. Vol. 2 of the Encyclopédie philosophique universelle, above. Summit. • Le vocabulaire des philosophes. Ed. Zarader. 5 vols. Ellipses, 2002-2006. 1. De l'antiquité à la Renaissance; 2. Philosophie classique et moderne, XVIIe-XVIIIe siècle; 3. Philosophie moderne, XIXe siècle / préface de Bernard Bourgeois; 4. Philosophie contemporaine XXe siècle / préface de Frédéric Worms; 5. Suppléments I. • Dictionary of world philosophy. Ed. Iannone. Routledge, 2001.An SPU e-book. • Dictionnaire philosophique. Ed. Comte-Sponville. Presses Universitaires de France, 2001.Concise Routledge encyclopedia of philosophy. Routledge, 2000. REF B51 .C58 2000. • Cambridge dictionary of philosophy. Ed. Audi. Cambridge University Press, 1999. REF B41 .C35 1999. • Vocabulaire technique et critique de la philosophie. 5th ed. Ed. Lalande & Poirier, for the Société française de philosophie. Presses Universitaires de France, 1999. Older editions via Summit. • Dizionario di filosofia. 3rd revised & augmented edition. Ed. Abbagnono. UTET, 1998.Philosophisches Wörterbuch. Ed. Brugger. Herder, 1998. Older editions in Summit. • Dictionary of philosophy. Ed. Mautner. Blackwell, 1996. REF B41 .M38 1996. • Metzler Philosophie-Lexikon: Begriffe und Definitionen. 2., erw. und aktualisierte. Ed. Prechtl & Burkard. Metzler, 1996.Oxford companion to philosophy. Ed. Honderich. Oxford University Press, 1995. REF B51 .O94 1995. • Blackburn. Oxford dictionary of philosophy. Oxford University Press, 1994. REF B41 .B53 1994. • Ferrater Mora. Diccionario de filosofia. 8th ed. 4 vols. Alianza, 1994. 5th (1965) edition available via Summit. • Dictionnaire de la langue philosophique. 6th ed. Ed. Foulquié & Saint-Jean. Presses Universitaires de France, 1992. 1st (1962) edition at University of Washington Suzzallo Reference B42 .F68 1962. • Philosophisches Wörterbuch. 22nd ed. Ed. Schmidt & Schischkoff. Alfred Kröner Verlag, 1991. 21st (1978) edition available via Summit. • Sparkes. Talking philosophy: a wordbook. Routledge, 1991. REF B49 .S63 1991. Seattle Pacific University Library DICTIONARIES AND ENCYCLOPEDIAS OF PHILOSOPHY (very much in progress) 3 (Dictionaries and encyclopedias of theology can be helpful here, too) 206 281 2417 Steve Perisho, Theology/Humanities/Fine Arts Librarian • Dictionary of philosophy. Ed. Flew. St. Martin’s Press, 1979. REF B41 .D54. • Lacey. Dictionary of philosophy. 1976. REF B41 .L32 1976. • Philosophical dictionary. Ed. Brugger & Baker. Georgetown University Press, 1972. Summit. • Dictionary of philosophy and psychology. Ed. Baldwin. 3 vols. in 4. 1901-1905. B41 .D535 1960. Aesthetics, philosophy of art. For example, • Continuum companion to aesthetics. Ed. Ribeiro. Continuum, 2010. • Guter. Aesthetics A to Z. Edinburgh University Press, 2010. • Townsend. A to Z of aesthetics. Scarecrow, 2010. Copies of the 1st (2006) edition entitled Historical dictionary of aesthetics in Summit. • Companion to aesthetics. 2nd ed. Ed. Davies. Blackwell companions to philosophy. 2009. Summit. SPU has the 1st (1992) edition at REF BH56 .C65 1992. • Morizot & Poivet. Dictionnaire d'esthétique et de philosophie de l'art. Armand Colin, 2007. • Metzler Lexikon Ästhetik: Kunst, Medien, Design und Alltag. Ed. Trebess. Metzler, 2006. • Vocabulaire d’esthétique. 2nd ed. Ed. Souriau & Souriau. Presses Universitaires de France, 1999. • Encyclopedia of Aesthetics. Ed. Kelly. 4 vols. Oxford University Press, 1998. REF BH56 .E53 1998. • Ästhetische Grundbegriffe: historisches Wörterbuch in sieben Bände. Ed. Barck, et al. 7 vols. Metzler, 2000-2005. Summit. • Metzler Lexikon Kunstwissenschaft : Ideen, Methoden, Begriffe. Ed. Pfisterer. Metzler, 2003. University of Washington Suzzallo Reference N7475 .M489 2003. • Lexikon der Ästhetik. Ed. Henckmann & Lotter. Verlag C. H. Beck, 1992. American tradition. For example, • American philosophy: an encyclopedia. Ed. Lachs & Talisse. Routledge, 2008. Asian tradition: see under Non-Western traditions. British tradition. For example, • Continuum encyclopedia of British philosophy. Ed. Grayling, Pyle, & Goulder. Thoemmes Continuum, 2006. For more under the Thoemmes imprint, see under Philosophers, below. Seattle Pacific University Library DICTIONARIES AND ENCYCLOPEDIAS OF PHILOSOPHY (very much in progress) 4 (Dictionaries and encyclopedias of theology can be helpful here, too) 206 281 2417 Steve Perisho, Theology/Humanities/Fine Arts Librarian Continental tradition. For example, • Dictionary of continental philosophy. Ed. Protevi. 2006. REF B41 .D46 2006. • Vocabulaire europeen des philosophies: dictionnaire des intraduisibles. Ed. Cassin. Seuil et Le Robert, 2004. 1531 pp. There are portions of this online, at • Edinburgh encyclopedia of continental philosophy. Ed. Glendinning. 1999. B803 .E35 1999b. Epistemology. For example, • Companion to epistemology. 2nd ed. Ed. Dancy, Sosa, & Steup. Blackwell companions to epistemology. 2010. REF BD161 .C637 2010. 1st edition in General Collection. • Dictionnaire d’histoire et de philosophie des sciences. Ed. Lecourt. Presses Universitaires de France, 1999. • Vocabulaire technique et analytique de l’épistemologie. Ed. Nadeau. Presses Universitaires de France, 1999. Ethics. For example, • International encyclopedia of ethics. Ed. LaFollette. 9 vols. Wiley Blackwell, 2013. • Encyclopedia of applied ethics. 2nd ed. Ed. Chadwick. 4 vols. 2012. =858617. SPU has also the 1st (1998) edition at REF BJ63 .E444 1998. • Dictionnaire d’éthique et de philosophie morale. 4th ed. Ed. Canto-Sperber. 2 vols. Presses Universitaires de France, 2004. There is a copy of the 3rd (2001) edition in Summit. “an indispensable philosophical tool” (Laurence Thomas in Ethics). • Encyclopedia of ethics. 2nd ed. Ed. Becker & Becker. 3 vols. 2001. REF BJ63 .E45 2001. • Dictionnaire d'éthique et de philosophie morale. Ed. Canto-Sperber. 1996. Summit. • International encyclopedia of ethics. Ed. Roth. FD, 1995. 988 pp. • Ethics. Editors of Salem Press; consulting editor, Roth. 3 vols. 1994. UW Suzallo Reference BJ63 .E54 1994. Bioethics, ethics of medicine, science, and technology. For example, • Encyclopedia of science, technology, and ethics. Ed. Mitcham. 4 vols. REF Q175.35 .E53 2005. • Dictionnaire de la pensée médicale. Ed. Lecourt. Presses Universitaires de France, 2004. • Encyclopedia of bioethics. 3rd ed. Ed. Post. 5 vols. 2004. REF QH332 .E52 2004. • Encyclopedia of ethical, legal, and policy issues in biotechnology. Ed. Murray & Mehlman. 2 vols. 2000. Summit. • Lexikon der Bioethik. Ed. Korff, Beck, & Mikat. 3 vols. 1998. Seattle Pacific University Library DICTIONARIES AND ENCYCLOPEDIAS OF PHILOSOPHY (very much in progress) 5 (Dictionaries and encyclopedias of theology can be helpful here, too) 206 281 2417 Steve Perisho, Theology/Humanities/Fine Arts Librarian Serial bibliographies • ETHXWeb (Bioethics Research Library, Georgetown University), • GenETHX (Bioethics Research Library, Georgetown University), uploads/Philosophie/ list-of-philosophy-dictionaries-and-encyclopedias.pdf
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