Iec license guide line For Beginners HS code How to Import How to export Noti ?cations GST Contact MPORT EXPORT CODE IEC NUMBER October Category FAQ ion provided here is part of Online export import training guide st April Click here to read latest update
For Beginners HS code How to Import How to export Noti ?cations GST Contact MPORT EXPORT CODE IEC NUMBER October Category FAQ ion provided here is part of Online export import training guide st April Click here to read latest update to obtain IEC number Importe r Code as per Foreign Trade Policy - d extraction of noti ?cation of DGFT on IEC applications online processing and issue of e ationalises online ?ling of IEC applications online processing and issue of e IECs in digital format e General of Foreign Trade has started operationalising online ?ling of Importer Exporter Code IEC s online processing and issue of e-IECs in digital format Now new entrepreneurs exporters importe e for issue of new IEC from the comfort of their home IT Kiosk with no more visits to the Regional Au ired and upload the documents and pay the required fee through Net banking rocessing of such applications by Regional Authority of DGFT would be done online no paper work i Cstorage space required and no misplaced documents and the digitally signed e-IEC no more IECs d be issued emailed to the applicants within two working days application is incomplete or otherwise ineligible the same shall be rejected and an auto generated l with reasons for rejection would be sent to the applicant - within two working days only There w ?ciencies letters' now no more discretion at the level of RAs and consequent elimination of possible underway to allow enable payment of fee through Debit Credit cards which would further facilitate nce implemented the Online system would be made mandatory However till such time payment th it cards is enabled the existing o ine manual system has also been allowed side by side in order t cants who do not have Net banking facility also underway for message exchange integration of our system with Income Tax department and M A ?air for veri ?cation of PAN and DIN CIN details respectively Once implemented this would further sing time of e-IEC applications at RA level possibly one day only mportant and path breaking initiative by Department of Commerce DGFT towards Digital India vis ster of India and Ease of Doing Business IEC code and How to obtain Import Export Code number ned brie y about Import Export Code number under my article - How to set up an export import ?rm in India more clari ?cations about IE code and here I have included their doubts about IEC number Read below about Import Expor CODE number used in Export Import business or IMPORTER EXPORTER CODE which contains digit number issued by Director General of Foreign Trade Government of India Exporter Code e person company starting a venture for International trade of Export and Import If any foreign transfer on account of busin mport be made without Importer Exporter Code s a primary document for recognition by Govt of India as Exporter Importer However if value of goods is very law the c permit
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- Publié le Apv 08, 2021
- Catégorie Law / Droit
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 76kB