Ragnarok server guide AIO RAGNAROK ONLINE v User Friendly Judas Bible CTable of Contents i Pre-requisites Windows ii Setting up your server Windows iii Compiling Windows iv Client Side Settings Di ? Hex Data Lua Lub v Server Side Settings vi Custom Window

AIO RAGNAROK ONLINE v User Friendly Judas Bible CTable of Contents i Pre-requisites Windows ii Setting up your server Windows iii Compiling Windows iv Client Side Settings Di ? Hex Data Lua Lub v Server Side Settings vi Custom Window Title vii Custom Login Screen viii Custom RO Icon ix Adding GM ? s to clientinfo xml x Making a GM Account SQL xi Compiling GRF xii Setup Patcher Cheap Webhost Thor xiii Making Uploading Patches via Thor GRF xiv Installing Flux CP Disable M F Using Same Cheap Webhost xv Making your Server Online Port Forwarding xvi Troubleshooting xvii Adding Custom Auras xviii Adding Custom Maps xix Adding Custom Items RagRE Long Way xx Adding Custom Mobs RagRE xxi Adding Custom NPCs RagRE xxii Adding Custom Weapons xxiii Adding Custom Pets xxiv Adding Custom Di ?s Manually Custom Source Mods xxv Enable Custom Palettes xxvi Adding Loading Screens and Logo Ci Pre-requisites Grab tortoiseSVN from the link below http tortoisesvn net downloads html Note Grab the correct version Meaning that if you have -bit Windows grab the -bit installer and vice versa To ?nd out your windows ??bit ? version click the windows icon and right-click my computer properties You will be able to see the specs of your OS COnce you have installed tortoiseSVN you will be prompted to restart your PC so make sure to restart your computer once it prompts you to Once your PC has restarted when you right click you will see a new addon that lets you checkout svn with tortoiseSVN Now we will checkout a Ragnarok Server Revision This is up to you The options below are available to you eAthena No Third Jobs Currently SVN Repository http eathena- project googlecode com svn trunk SVN Changes http code google com p eathena-project source list CeAM Old RO Mechanics - Has working Third Jobs SVN Repository http ceam googlecode com svn trunk SVN Changes http code google com p ceam updates list ReAM Renewal Mechanics ??Third Jobs Buggy but there are still updates going on SVN Repository http ream-project googlecode com svn SVN Changes http code google com p ream-project updates list rAthena Starting Third Jobs Renewal Non-Renewal Mechanics Some bugs and still working on implementing third jobs fully May or may not support TXT in the future ? SVN Repository https rathena svn sourceforge net svnroot rathena trunk SVN Changes http sourceforge net apps trac rathena timeline CEidolon Package Renewal Mechanics ?? Has working Third Jobs Customs Optional Clean Src Paid PM me on the forums http www supportmii com board or message me on Hotmail zbui hotmail com Once you have chosen which svn to checkout copy the ??SVN REPOSITORY ? link you have chosen and create a new folder on your desktop and name it whatever you want For this tutorial I will just use the default ??New Folder ? on my desktop and checkout eAthena Right-click the newly created folder and click ??svn checkout ? and hit ??ok ?

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  • Publié le Dec 18, 2022
  • Catégorie Law / Droit
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 164.1kB