Dungeon master x27 s guide

Advanced Dungeons Dragons Dungeon Master Guide The revised and updated Dungeon Master Guide for the AD D Game TSR Inc TSR Ltd Sheridan Springs Rd Church End Cherry Hinton Lake Geneva WI Cambridge CB LB USA United Kingdom ADVANCED DUNGEONS DRAGONS AD D DUNGEONS DRAGONS D D DRAGON GREYHAWK DUNGEON MASTER DM DRAGONLANCE and the TSR logo are registered trademarks owned by TSR Inc Foreword to the nd Edition A foreword is normally the place where the author of a book expresses thanks and gratitude I'm not going to do that here It's not that everyone involved doesn't deserve congratulations and praise it's just that I already said all those things in the foreword to the AD D Player's Handbook Everything I said there is true for this book too On to other things Let's assume that since you're reading this your are or plan to be a Dungeon Master By now you should be familiar with the rules in the Player's Handbook You've probably already noticed things you like or things you would have done di ?erently If you have congratulations You've got the spirit every Dungeon Master needs As you go through this rule book I encourage you to continue to make these choices Choice is what the AD D game is all about We've tried to o ?er you what we think are the best choices for your AD D campaign but each of us has di ?erent likes and dislikes The game that I enjoy may be quite di ?erent from your own campaign But it is not for me to say what is right or wrong for your game True I and everyone working on the AD D game have had to make fundamental decisions but we've tried to avoid being dogmatic and in exible The AD D game is yours it's mine it's every player's game So is there an o ?cial AD D game Yes but only when there needs to be Although I don't have a crystal ball it's likely that tournaments and other o ?cial events will use all of the core rules in these books Optional rules may or may not be used but Cit's fair to say that all players need to know about them even if they don't have the memorized The Player's Handbook and the Dungeon Master Guide give you what you're expected to know but that doesn't mean the game begins and ends there Your game will go in directions not yet explored and your players will try things others think strange Sometimes these strange things will work sometimes they won't Just accept this be ready for it and enjoy it Take the time to have fun with the AD D rules Add create expand and extrapolate Don't just let the game sit there and don't become a rules lawyer worrying about each piddly little detail If you can't ?gure out the answer MAKE IT UP And whatever you do don't fall into the trap of

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